anthem AZ pickleball club

         Welcome to Anthem Pickleball!

Join Anthem PB - AAZPC!

If you are an Anthem resident, click here to join our pickleball club.  Pay online with credit card.


Upcoming events

New Courts Update

Check out Calendar for Events

Anthem Council Meeting
(vote on new courts)
Wed, February 26  6:30 PM Please attend & Wear Blue

AAZPC Open Club Play (OCP)


Pickleball Central Offers AAZPC Members a Discount - go to and receive 5% discount by entering CRAAZPC  at checkout.  Our Club also receives some $$ back.

Tifosi Eyeware - Use the Code AAZPC25 for 25% discount
Tifosi Eyeware Catalog

Check this out for Skills Ratings

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